Friday, November 1, 2013

Interview with Alyscia Cunningham - Feminine Transitions Tour & Giveaway

Interview with the Artsy

BK: When did you first realize you had a creative flair?

I was in the 3rd grade, living in Queens, NY at the time. I used to trace Garfield comic strips out of the NY Times. On this particular day, I decided to draw it free hand (no tracing paper).

To my surprise, I drew Garfield exactly as it looked as when I traced it. I was extremely excited at the fact that I could now draw.

Then in the 7th grade, I drew a portrait of Tupac, which was on the cover of Rolling Stones Magazine. Surprising myself once more, I was ecstatic that I can now use my pencil and draw people.

From then on for the entire school year, most of my classmates took turns having me draw them. I also charged a small fee of $2 to draw them as well. I’d say I was a budding entrepreneur.

BK: What inspires you most?

My visions are my biggest inspiration. I visualize the vast majority of my photography and drawings before I even attempt to capture it physically. My visualizations either come to me in my dreams as I sleep or in day dreams.

I honestly don’t how this happens but I do consider it a blessing and I’m very thankful for it.

BK: What inspired the creation of your latest book?

I always say, I didn’t choose Feminine Transitions, she choose me. On the early morning of August 26, 2009 I awoke from my sleep with concepts, images and the book title in my head. I grabbed my journey, which I kept slightly under my mattress, sketched a few portraits and wrote down the title, Feminine Transitions.

Once again my visions (or messages as I always say) blessed me with a powerful book.

BK: If one would say they wanted to be creative, what is one piece of advice you can give for those that weren't lucky enough to have a God-Given talent?

I believe we are all born with a creative God-Given talent? The best way to bring it out is to discover our hidden talent. I highly suggest taking any and every type of class to learn and diversify what you more or may not know. Get out the house and get creative!

BK: Explain what you see when looking through the lens of your camera?

When I look through my lens I see beauty. The thought of capturing what is in front of my camera in still form is absolutely amazing.

BK: What emotions do you experience when you're utilizing your creativity?

Expressing my creativity is freeing. For me, it releases stress, calms my nerves and simply allows me be myself. When I am not being creative, it definitely takes a toll on my spirit. It’s healing so I make sure to keep it close to my daily life, even incorporating my children in projects as well.

BK: What is one Photoshop tip you can give to our readers?

Please keep photos of people realistic. All images are pretty much air brushed way too heavily now a days. The imagery looks nothing like the actual subject/model.

I believe we have to draw a line somewhere. Are we not encouraging the negative outlook that society has on natural beauty?


Alyscia Cunningham is a lifestyle photographer. Her main focus 

is human images and how it can be incorporated with light and 

shadow. She tends to use dramatic lighting in many of her 

images because it fosters greater interaction between you and 

the photographs, as you tend to analyze it a little more. 

Likewise, the use of close ups creates a sense of intimacy and 

usually draws a greater emotional reaction from you.

Website | Facebook


"Life on the planet is born of woman"

Adrienne Rich

For women, aging brings with it an inner 

grace and beauty that is more than skin 

deep. From birth to old age, women 

transition through many physical, 

psychological, and emotional phases that 

are recorded on their faces.

Feminine Transitions: A Photographic 

Celebration of Natural Beauty is a 

refreshing and inspiring, full-color, hard 

cover, book of photography. Its pages 

present a series of portraits that reveal the

elegance and subtly honest beauty of 

female faces between the ages of 7 weeks and 103 years. 

Copies will be available and mailed in September 2013 (exact date TBA).

Never before has a book so vividly projected the images of women in all 

stages of life in a way that reveals who they really are as women.Feminine 

Transitions unmasks women and exquisitely demonstrates that young is 

beautiful, old is beautiful, and natural is beautiful.

1 comment:

BrandiKae said...

Thank you so much for chatting today Alyscia.